a black and white photo of a woman opening a machine

Introduction to Kerberos Silver Ticket

The Kerberos authentication protocol is a trusted and widely adopted method for validating user identities within a network. Operating through a system of tickets, which serve as authenticators, Kerberos ensures that sensitive communications remain secure. Among these tickets, the Silver Ticket is particularly noteworthy. Understanding Silver Tickets and their workings is essential for bolstering both offensive and defensive cybersecurity strategies.

Kerberos tickets generally come in two key varieties: the Ticket-Granting Ticket (TGT) and service tickets. The TGT, sometimes referred to as the Golden Ticket when compromised, grants broad authentication access across services. Conversely, Silver Tickets, which are forged service tickets, offer more granular control by authenticating the user to specific services only.

A Silver Ticket is created by obtaining sufficient information to forge a service ticket, bypassing the domain controller’s ticket-granting service. Unlike Golden Tickets, which enable domain-wide access, Silver Tickets limit their scope to individual services, thus occasionally eluding some security detections. This selective approach can be leveraged in various offensive cybersecurity scenarios, such as penetrating specialized servers or applications without triggering warnings that a broader attack might prompt.

The implications of Silver Ticket attacks make understanding their creation and detection critically important. For instance, a malicious agent who gains the ability to generate a Silver Ticket can access sensitive data or services without typical authentication interception. This ability presents a formidable risk as it evades some monitoring defenses that might otherwise detect anomalous behaviors associated with more widespread ticket forgeries.

In ethical hacking or red teaming exercises, conducting a Silver Ticket attack can help security professionals identify weaknesses in service-specific security configurations. Defensive measures, including meticulous service account monitoring and refined detection algorithms, are imperative for recognizing and mitigating such threats.

Thus, a thorough comprehension of both the mechanics and strategic usage of Silver Tickets enhances cybersecurity efforts, creating a more robust defense ecosystem capable of withstanding sophisticated intrusions.

Prerequisites and Tools Needed

Creating a Kerberos Silver Ticket involves several prerequisites, including necessary permissions, specific information, and a suite of software tools. Before embarking on this tutorial, it is crucial to ensure you have administrative privileges on the target system. This task mandates complete control over the network’s domain to access the required user information and Service Principal Names (SPNs). Furthermore, a fundamental understanding of Kerberos authentication mechanisms is highly recommended to comprehend the implications and nuances of Silver Tickets.

Key information required includes the user’s password hash or Kerberos key, the domain name, and the service’s SPN. This sensitive information is essential since Kerberos Silver Tickets are used to grant specific service-level access within the network, bypassing the normal Ticket Granting Service (TGS) process. Ensure that you have gathered all the necessary details before proceeding.

The primary software tools utilized for creating a Kerberos Silver Ticket are Mimikatz and Impacket. Mimikatz is a widely used post-exploitation tool that can extract Kerberos tickets and secrets from Windows systems. Impacket is a collection of Python classes for working with network protocols, including scripts that facilitate Kerberos ticket manipulation. Both tools have certain dependencies, such as Python for Impacket, which should be installed and configured beforehand.

For the environment setup, ensure that you are operating within a compatible Windows environment, as both tools are tailored for Windows operating systems. Additionally, having an appropriately configured network, ideally segmented for testing to prevent interfacing with live environments, is recommended to avoid unintended disruptions.

Before proceeding, ensure all tools are installed and permissions are validated. Adequate preparation with the correct setup will streamline the process of creating a Kerberos Silver Ticket and ensure a more seamless execution of the subsequent stages.

Gathering Necessary Information

Before delving into the creation of a Kerberos Silver Ticket, it is crucial to gather specific information about the target service and its corresponding account. Accumulating accurate data ensures the effectiveness of the Silver Ticket and minimizes the risk of errors. Three critical pieces of information are essential: the Service Principal Name (SPN) of the target service, the Security Identifier (SID) of the target service account, and the NTLM hash of the service account.

The Service Principal Name (SPN) uniquely identifies instances of services running on servers. To determine the SPN of the target service, one can perform directory queries using LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol). For example, PowerShell commands such as Get-ADObject or tools like LDAPSearch can list SPNs associated with service accounts.

The Security Identifier (SID) of the target service account is another necessary piece of information. The SID uniquely identifies user, group, and computer accounts within an Active Directory domain. To obtain the SID, one can query the domain controller using commands like whoami /user or leverage PowerShell’s Active Directory modules, such as Get-ADUser or Get-ADComputer. These modules help enumerate SIDs connected to specific service accounts.

Finally, the NTLM (NT LAN Manager) hash of the service account is fundamental for creating the Silver Ticket. This hash is a result of applying an MD4 (Message Digest Algorithm) to the service account password. Obtaining the NTLM hash typically requires access to privileged credentials or tools capable of credential dumping. Tools like Mimikatz can extract NTLM hashes from memory if executed with appropriate privileges, ensuring that operations remain concealed and efficient.

Incorporating reconnaissance techniques, such as directory queries and credential dumping tools, significantly eases the process of aggregating these elements. This meticulous preparation lays the groundwork for crafting an effective Kerberos Silver Ticket, ensuring that each step towards its creation is precise and well-informed.

Extracting the Service Account NTLM Hash

Extracting the NTLM hash of a service account is a crucial step in creating a Kerberos Silver Ticket. This process demands a high level of privileges; typically, administrative rights on the target system are required. The use of tools like Mimikatz provides an effective method for obtaining the desired hash. Below is a guide detailing the necessary steps.

First, ensure that you have administrative access to the target machine. Without these privileges, the extraction process will not be successful. Next, download and prepare Mimikatz. Mimikatz is a comprehensive post-exploitation tool designed for Windows that can interact directly with the memory of the system to extract sensitive information.

To begin, open a Command Prompt with administrative privileges. Navigate to the directory where Mimikatz is stored and execute the tool by entering mimikatz.exe in the command line.

Once you are inside the Mimikatz console, the next step is to elevate your privileges within Mimikatz. Type and execute the following command:


This command is necessary to ensure Mimikatz has the required permissions to access system memory. After elevation, it’s time to extract the NTLM hash of the service account. Typically, the following command is used:

lsadump::lsa /inject /name: ServiceAccountName

Replace ServiceAccountName with the actual name of the service account from which you wish to extract the NTLM hash. Executing this command will inject into the Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS), retrieve the relevant information, and display it on the screen.

Note the NTLM hash carefully; it will usually appear in a clear-cut format following the label “NTLM:”. Save this hash securely as it will be essential for subsequent steps in the creation of the Kerberos Silver Ticket.

Remember, performing these actions without proper authorization is illegal and unethical. This guide is intended for educational purposes and lawful security assessments where appropriate permissions have been obtained.

Creating the Kerberos Silver Ticket

Creating a Kerberos Silver Ticket involves utilizing tools like Mimikatz to forge authentication tokens. To begin with, you need to have gathered specific information in your previous steps, such as the Service Principal Name (SPN), the NTLM hash of the service account, and the domain structure. With these prerequisites in hand, setting up the Silver Ticket can be done as illustrated below.

First, open Mimikatz with administrator privileges. You can run Mimikatz directly in an elevated command prompt by navigating to its directory and executing the following command:


After launching Mimikatz, we need to generate the Silver Ticket. Issue the `kerberos::golden` command to fabricate a Kerberos ticket. Note that while ‘golden’ is in the command name, it is flexible to create both golden and silver tickets based on parameters provided. For our purposes, include the following parameters precisely:

kerberos::golden /domain:[Domain] /sid:[Domain_SID] /target:[Target_Hostname] /service:[Service_Name] /rc4:[NTLM_Hash] /user:[User] /id:[User_SID] /ptt

Here’s a detailed breakdown of the parameters used:

  • /domain: Specify the domain name.
  • /sid: Provide the Security Identifier of the domain.
  • /target: Indicate the hostname where the service is running.
  • /service: Specify the SPN of the service (e.g., HTTP, CIFS).
  • /rc4: Input the NTLM hash of the service account.
  • /user: Enter a username; typically, ‘Administrator’ or a similarly privileged account.
  • /id: Provide the user’s RID (Relative Identifier).
  • /ptt: This parameter directly injects the ticket into memory.

Here’s an example command:

kerberos::golden /domain:example.com /sid:S-1-5-21-123456789-123456789-123456789 /target:targethost /service:HTTP /rc4:11223344556677889900aabbccddeeff /user:Administrator /id:500 /ptt

Upon executing this command, Mimikatz will output confirmation of the ticket creation and injection. The injected ticket will then allow the specified user to access the targeted service without further authentication.

It is essential to understand each parameter and its role in the Silver Ticket creation process to avoid any misconfigurations. This powerful technique, when misused, can lead to severe security breaches, underlining the importance of ethical and authorized usage within the bounds of an organization’s policies.

Using the Silver Ticket for Access

Once the Silver Ticket has been generated, it can be used to gain access to the specified service within the network. This intricate method of access is primarily useful in scenarios where higher privileges are granted over specific resources without necessitating continuous interactions with the Domain Controller. Let us consider practical scenarios such as accessing a file share or a web service, and demonstrate how to authenticate using the Silver Ticket.

To utilize the Silver Ticket for accessing a file share, one can use tools such as “Pass-the-Ticket” with the mimikatz utility. Begin by running the following command to inject the Silver Ticket into the session:

mimikatz # kerberos::purge
mimikatz # sekurlsa::ptt [SilverTicket.kirbi]

After injecting the Silver Ticket, access the file share by executing:

net use \\\server\c$ /user:domain\username

This method validates access using the Silver Ticket, bypassing conventional authentication procedures with the Domain Controller. Similarly, when accessing a web service, one can authenticate by injecting the Silver Ticket into the session and using corresponding HTTP tools or browsers that support Kerberos.

For instance, injecting the ticket using Rubeus follows a similar approach:

Rubeus.exe ptt /ticket:[base64 ticket]

Following this, services like IIS can be accessed as:


Both examples underscore Kerberos Silver Ticket’s utility in scenarios where it simulates the authentication response typically sought from the Domain Controller. The practical applications of Silver Tickets can be manifold within both security testing environments and adversarial simulation exercises. Careful application and understanding of these techniques ensure the ethical and lawful implementation of cybersecurity practices.

Mitigating and Detecting Silver Ticket Attacks

Mitigating and detecting Silver Ticket attacks is essential for maintaining the integrity and security of an organization’s authentication infrastructure. To effectively combat these threats, administrators must employ a multi-faceted strategy encompassing proactive measures, continuous monitoring, and responsive actions.

One of the primary steps in mitigating Silver Ticket attacks is implementing robust account policies. Enforcing strong, complex passwords and ensuring their regular updates can significantly reduce the risk of ticket forging. Additionally, organizations should limit the use of privileged accounts, granting elevated access only when necessary and enforcing the principle of least privilege. Regularly reviewing and auditing these accounts also helps in identifying any unusual or unauthorized activity.

Keeping systems updated is another critical aspect. Administrators should ensure that all systems, particularly those involved in authentication, are patched regularly. Security patches often address vulnerabilities that could be exploited in Silver Ticket attacks, thereby reducing potential attack vectors.

Detection of Silver Ticket attacks involves careful analysis of security logs and the deployment of advanced monitoring tools. Administrators should continuously monitor event logs for anomalous behavior, such as unusual login patterns or the sudden appearance of tickets for non-existent or recently created accounts. Tools that focus on detecting anomalous Kerberos activities can provide early warnings, making it possible to thwart an attack before it causes significant damage.

Another effective detection technique is the correlation of authentication events. For instance, if a Kerberos Ticket-Granting Service (TGT) request doesn’t match the expected logon patterns, it could indicate the presence of a forged ticket. Automated alerting mechanisms can be configured to notify administrators whenever such discrepancies are detected.

In addition to technical measures, fostering a culture of security awareness among users and IT staff is invaluable. Regular training sessions on recognizing phishing attempts and other intrusion tactics contribute to a more secure environment. By combining these strategies, organizations can significantly enhance their defense against Silver Ticket attacks, ensuring a fortified and resilient security posture.

Conclusion and Further Reading

The tutorial has provided a detailed step-by-step guide on creating a Kerberos Silver Ticket. By following the outlined procedures, you should now have a basic understanding of the mechanics involved in generating these tickets and why they pose significant security threats. It is critical to comprehend the different attack vectors that could exploit Silver Tickets and the methods to mitigate such risks.

Understanding the Silver Ticket attack’s intricate nature is essential for improving your organization’s security posture. These attacks can bypass standard authentication mechanisms, granting unauthorized access to resources. Hence, it becomes imperative to not just familiarize oneself with the offensive techniques but also to prioritize robust defense strategies. Regular monitoring, implementing strong Kerberos policies, and ensuring up-to-date security patches can significantly reduce the vulnerability to such exploits.

For those interested in exploring this topic further, several resources can be highly beneficial:

  • Advanced Kerberos Documentation: This is an excellent starting point for deepening your technical knowledge about Kerberos authentication and its protocols.
  • Cybersecurity Courses: Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and edX offer comprehensive courses on advanced cybersecurity tactics, including Kerberos Ticket attacks.
  • Cybersecurity Forums: Participate in communities like Stack Exchange, Reddit, or specialized forums where professionals discuss real-world scenarios and solutions.

We encourage readers to practice responsibly and ethically while experimenting with these techniques. Always conduct such experiments in controlled environments where unauthorized access will not harm critical data or systems. Ethical conduct ensures that you can learn and grow as a cybersecurity practitioner without contributing to the malicious exploitation of these vulnerabilities.